At our core, I believe that pregnancy, birth, and the traditional family are designed by God to fulfill His purpose of fellowship and encouraging the growth of His kingdom. In that design, he created the woman’s body to carry and deliver a child with as little intervention as is safely possible.

I also believe that every mother deserves to feel heard and safe during their antenatal care. I provide holistic options for care as well as supporting and educating your choice to informed standard care. Knowledge is empowering so I put great value on providing evidence-based materials and childbirth education classes to help you make the best choice for your maternal care and beyond.

My Mission

To provide faith-based care, holistic options, evidence-based education, and service for expecting mothers and their families through love in the name of Christ.

My Vision

For families to enter this blessed season of life educated, empowered, and loved. Blessed Occurrence is a thriving service that seeks to support the mother in the making with the best, informed choices for their body, baby and family.